Available packages of Tradexor points
Free Package
0 zł
Once per month receive free 10000 points valid until end of the month
Package 15000
6 zł
Additional 15000 Tradexor points valid for 30 days from date of purchase
Package 50000
9 zł
Additional 50000 Tradexor points valid for 90 days from date of purchase
Paid access to the content of search result
- The access to the content of search results is paid.
- You can pay for access to the content with Tradexor points which are sold in packages.
- Getting access to single search result costs only fraction of a penny - exactly 1 Tradexor point.
Payment only for things you use
- You pay only for results which are displayed, not all which match your search criteria.
- If in subsequent queries you get the result which was purchased earlier you will get the access for free.
- Use without any commitments, agreements or subscriptions.
No tracking, positioning or advertisements
- We do not collect any information about you.
- To use our app you don't have to register, create account or give us any data about you or your credit card.
- Tradexor points are anonymous and stored in your computer only.